Mission Manager > Announcements

Some Minor New Features v1.22


Its time for some more Mission Manager features, nothing too major but should be useful:

1. All the "upload image" (Clues, Members, Subjects, etc.) is now a single step process.  Just select the image and it will automatically upload.

2. Enhanced the Certifications Status report and the Member Status emails to include the number of days left till expiration.  See the new setting in the Configuration screen "Certification expiration warning days".

3. Fixed the bug where extra ' (quotes) were getting added to some fields.

4. Many of the Member fields can now be customized, i.e. DSW, Hike, etc.  See the new field names, tips and settings in the "Configuration" screen.

5. Several time improvements based on the Time Zone setting.

The Radishworks Team


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