Mission Manager > Feature Requests and Issues

Field Qualification Check


Jeff Beckman:
It would be nice to have a field qualification indicator on the Members screen and Check In screen.  This is already available from within a mission, and a visual indicator on the Members and Check In screens could save some confusion.

Right now, from what I can tell, there are two ways to check your field qualification status: From within a mission using the 'Show Only' filter, and from the Members screen by visually checking the fields with an *.  The visual check is all that is available to people without permissions to access missions.  It would be nice to give members with lower levels of permissions some automated logical check of their field qualifications status.

The Check In screen already shows the Field Qualified status once a member types in their ID number - its at the bottom after their certs.   The members screen also shows Field Qualified status, but only if the member logged in can't change certifications and expirations.  So to make things the same across the board, I added a new "Field Qualified" or "Not Field Qualified" when browsing members and the person logged in can change certifications and expirations.

Thanks for the idea.


Ed Philpott:
I noticed that the "Field Qualified" determiner is looking at all certification dates not just the ones with an asterick.  This is on the "member" tab.




--- Quote ---I noticed that the "Field Qualified" determiner is looking at all certification dates not just the ones with an asterick.  This is on the "member" tab.
--- End quote ---
You are correct, that was a bug.  It's been fixed.  Thanks for the report.



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