Author Topic: Mission and Map Sharing  (Read 6023 times)


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Mission and Map Sharing
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:57:18 PM »
You can now share missions and maps with anyone who has an email address using the new Share dialog. 

Missions - When inside of a mission, if a member has the correct permission or is an administrator there will be a "Share" button on the lower right of the screen.   This button will open a dialog that allows you to enter a name and email address of anyone you would like to share the mission with.  That person will receive and email with a link that will allow them to open the mission.  Mission Shares can be deleted with the delete buttons next to any created shares.  All mission shares will automatically be removed when the Current Status (Active, Suspended, Closed, or Locked) of a mission is changed.  Mission shares can be read only allowing the person shared with to view the mission but not make any changes.  Persons you share missions with will not have access to the Members or Check In screens.

Maps - All members can share the elements they draw on their Maps page with anyone with and email address.  When a member is logged in but not in a mission there will be a "Share" button on the lower right.  This button will open a dialog that allows you to enter a name and email address of anyone you would like to share the map with.  That person will receive and email with a link that will allow them to open the map.  Map shares can be deleted with the delete buttons next to any created shares.  When a person opens a shared map the map will be zoomed to the location of all the elements in the map.  Map shares can be read only allowing the person shared with to view the map but not make any changes.