Mission Manager > Feature Requests and Issues

Google Maps Issues


Jeff Beckman:
I've had a problem with google maps that I think showed up in the past month or so.  I can't use Google Streets or Google Physical maps unless I first select Google Satellite or Google Hybrid maps.  Once I look at the satellite maps, I can use all of the google maps normally, until open a new browser window. 

I've seen this on both Chrome and Firefox browsers, Windows and Linux machines.  I have also seen this both logged into my account and not. 

We have experienced the same issue with those Google base layers. There are internet forum references to white map screens that have us believing it is a known Google issue. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

In the meantime, you have found the workaround, which is to go to one of the satellite views and then back to Google Streets or Google Hybrid.

The white screen map issue has been resolved. Please check it out and let us know of any problems. If at first it doesn’t appear fixed, refresh your browser (f5). Thanks for your patience.

Our initial Google Maps fix affected the drawing tools. This morning an additional update has been applied and the maps are working as expected. Please let us know of any issues.

You may need to refresh your browser (f5).


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